Educational Materials for Literacy Through Art, Science, and Social Studies.
Off to a Good Start
Your students can learn about and practice the Golden Rule with this free set of thematic materials.
Curriculum Planning
Things to Do Checklist
Include this page in your new plan book, or just make a personalized check off list for the gazillion things you have to do. Click on a text box, select the text you want to change and retype your own list.
Just for Fun
Learner's Workshop Back to School Kit
Since you have about a gazillion things to do in getting your classroom set up for the new year, help yourself to a little treat. Themed on "The Learner's Workshop", these materials include reward tickets, incentive charts, note paper, classroom letter head, a template for a class newsletter, and other things, maybe not needed, but fun to have. I hope they'll give you a lift!